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I just want to express the topic of a general idea, after all, I am a watch media people, always like to put anything in the relationship with the watch. On the expensive entry table, I always recommend to buy Rolex Date-Just, Omega’s Moon table or plot family Rolex Replica Watches China Reverso, bought absolutely no regrets. Perhaps, one day, you want to install a B, to try the fun of pipe smoking sense, then I only recommend you from Dunhill Shell series to get started.

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Why write about the pipe? Some time ago when the Forum Friends of the table transfer to my article pipe articles, that want to try, asked me to buy this a few hundred bucks into a dollar. For the pipe I knew not yet started, but after all, pumping for many years and have some experience of wasting money, it is responsible to tell him: “If you really want to draw the bucket, then spend some money from Dunhill (DUNHILL) Shell series to start.

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Of course, smoking pipe smoking heather root material pipe, sepiolite, etc. to do home decoration is good. When the beginning of the taste of the pipe, in order to practice not in no hurry to ease the suction, a treasure on the 500 to buy the machine Fenfu Bu bucket (bucket is also divided into two kinds of machines and hand production, the price difference is pretty, Of the master hand bucket price is from the RMB 5 away), pumping for some time still feel bad, I thought it was my “mouth technology” is not home. Time to accompany a friend to play a long time to a double-pipe club (now do not take a name of a club, feel the business is not a fire) take grass, along with a Dunhill bought the most basic Shell straight Handle bucket, put in the store to open the fight, catchy a try, Dayton felt extremely smooth suction. This came to realize that the original technology
is not my home, but this machine bucket open their own flue is not good, not worth a pumping. A Dunhill entry section of the Shell straight handle is about 3000 dollars, in this price under the bucket I do not think absolutely necessary to buy, whether it is a machine or hand bucket, it will make you feel very bad pipe smoking .

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And when you fight for some time, you will find a bucket is not enough, one day a bucket of smoke can not be smoked again (pipe in the pumping time will be damp, a bucket after a minimum of 24 hours before use, otherwise Will affect the taste of tobacco). Continue to buy Buy Rolex Replica Watches Dunhill’s bucket of course can, Cumberland and Bruyere series are a good choice, the price is not expensive. If the pursuit of the top products in the bucket, Dunhill Root D.R series are optional, wooden color are impeccable and expensive.

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If you want to buy handmade bucket master, that span may be large, from thousands to hundreds of thousands of a wide range. First of all to determine how much they want to spend, you want to fight type, as to buy who’s (master of the bucket is not good pumping, after all, open the flue of this live there are always biased), more on foreign pipe forums The country seems to be a pipe village), ask the jar real experts, learn to shoot things on a foreign site.

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Then talk about tobacco it, throwing the mothers who smoke the seasoning grass, grass to talk about the original flavor. Most of the original flavor grass is made of various varieties of red tobacco, due to the cultivation of regional climate of different soil, but also through special treatment methods mature curing fermented semi-finished products. Domestic simple and crude will be divided into L grass and V grass, L grass in the country easier to buy, common such as: Dunhill Cheap Rolex Replica Watches Sambo (cock, nightcap and 965), blue dog, wood frogs and so on; L grass Gourmanders are more like the Balkan slices, old cake and so on. L due to the deployment of tobacco in the process of adding a trace of Latakia sauce, the taste is rather special, and there will be a smoke in the charred cow dung flavor (some people think it is chicken feces flavor), full house stay “fragrant” is me Do not like, so now only pumping some V grass.

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Not to add Latakia sauce is the V grass (remember not to smoke grass L pipes used to smoke V, the same pumping V grass pipe do not smoke pumping L, will affect the taste, which is why people need to draw a few The reason for the pipe). V grass in the country more difficult to buy, after all, do not add Latakia V grass more popular, and tobacco, such as wine generally put the longer the taste the more mellow, a lot of pipe gourd is to buy a hundred boxes of slow Slow pumping. V grass to buy the best to the sea Amoy, or only with the relationship between the pipe shop owner set to let you stay out in advance. V grass I personally love Escudo, the judge and Dunhill small white cut. V grasstemperature is higher than the L grass, in order to avoid burn pipe wall need to slow pumping fine chemicals.

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Tobacco and cigars, like in the Kaifeng need to keep and can not let it dry, conditional sealed box kept in the moisturizing cabinet, no conditions of the wet film, try some different grass to find their favorite taste.

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Recently very like to use the acorns Luxury Rolex Replica Watches to pumping V, asked a friend to receive a Japanese TSUGE IKEBANA the Acorn (I also like Sixten Acorn ah, but a 10 million can not afford to buy ah!), And other Beijing fog Haze light, and pick a good day to open fighting, the United States and the United States pumping a bucket.

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Smoking pipe is nothing more than a leisurely figure, if only that wine and I think it is too appropriate to match the posture, dry mouth should not drink tea with soft drinks it?

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