Happy Birthday! Anniversaries In Watchmaking

2019 is a special year for quite a few brands, as it marks for them important events in their history. For some, it was the launch of an iconic model or important movement, while for others it was an event at which one of their Replica Watches became legendary.

Omega Speedmaster Professional

This year it is also fifty years ago since humankind set foot on the moon. An important event in general, yet especially for Omega, who provided NASA with Omega Speedmasters Copy UK for all their manned space missions. While it was Neil Armstrong who first set foot on the moon, he was not wearing his Speedmaster. That watch was left behind in the moon lander where it replaced a malfunctioning electric timer. So it was Buzz Aldrin who was the first man to set foot on the moon with a watch around his wrist.

Omega has highlighted its legacy in space exploration over the years by releasing various editions, and this time they do that with the Speedmaster Apollo 11 Moonshine™ Gold 50th Anniversary Edition. It takes after the gold Omega Replica Speedmaster that the brand launched in 1969 to celebrate the success of the mission, yet in an updated form.

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